I keep all my Chanel bags in their original box, with soft papers wrapping each of them to keep the moisture level to the lowest. I also have silica gels inside the bag and inside the box to prevent humidity. My bags are all stuffed with just enough soft papers to keep the shape of the bag at its best. That's why it took me so long to unpack all the boxes and papers, and then pack them again after taking the pictures.
So, voila! Here's my family picture which I took in April. Total 38 bags. But I've added 7 more bags since April and will do a reveal really soon after I receive everything. I also have a collection of Chanel costume jeweleries, but I'll take a family picture of that next time when I have time. I just don't know how many boxes I need to unpack for jeweleries! Hahahaha! I need a bigger closet room!!
I've also categorize my bags into different leathers, colors and styles.
So, here are the blacks..
The navy's...
The browns/beige/taupe/khaki's....
The grays/silver's...
The greens...
The reds, burgundy & pinks...
Finally, the purples...
Hope you enjoy the eye candies!
P.S. I'll write more about my bags in my next post because I've categorized them into different leathers, sizes and styles. Stay tuned.
OMG!! this is a picture! You should check out my blog if you want moreinspiration for your shopping ;) http://www.charlottecollard.canalblog.com
ReplyDeleteENJOY!!! and have a great shopping ;)
SUPERB !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteplease visit our shop blog now in fair of vintage chael bags and accessories!
oh myyy! i love this blog post of yourss. im dying to have one chanel bagg and im really jealous of you. visit my blog: www.bittersweetmandersdeschanel.blogspot.com. i guess what i have is nothing compare to yours :(
ReplyDeleteI'm living vicariously through you, Mia! I love your Chanel collection, and I only have one myself. The thing I love most about your blog is you! You are so adorable, and I love how you smile whenever you're modeling your goods. Plus, I'm learning so much about designer brands I otherwise wouldn't be able to learn.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Tien..I'm living vicariously through you too Mia!